Not a man who history shall remember, but a member that the team cannot exist without. He is the General Ou's Right Hand Man, Big Commander's First Colonel, Prime Minister's First Secretary. When in need, he acts in the role of artistic designer, video maker, and even take away delivery. You can say he is versatile, but standing in his position requires more --- guts, persistence, and willpower. Under the pressure of the Triple Leaders, he survives with everlasting faith and everlasting hair and everlasting dark circles under eyes.
So this is Charles, a high school student from Shenzhen College of International Education, an intellectually curious learner, a frenetic nerd about science, and a coding amateur who struggles with coding languages but oddly becomes one of the members for wiki construction. My hobbies include hiking, swimming, biking, reading, writing, music, video-making, watching musicals……I like to share stories and make friends! Cheers!
Role in team:
- Spent most of my summer and after-school time in lab, playing and nursing E.coli and yeasts -- Dancing or crying in front of the gel photography machine.
- Present the idea of third improvement of applied design, Cat Shelter
- Director and editor of team video
- Wiki construction, basically dying to learn 3 alien languages
- Uploaded 55 parts :-)