Field of Study: Biology
Fun Fact: I am from Bavaria. But nobody believes me.
Why iGEM: I enjoy the challenge of the scientific discussions and learning about all the innovative ideas.
Ariane Krus (21)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: I have written plays as a kid and tried to sell them to the theater.
Why iGEM: I want to work with motivated people on a project, that will make an impact on our society.
Brigit Tunaj (22)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: I'm Dominic, nobody ever spells my name right.
Why iGEM: Learning to plan and execute a project as a team.
Dominic Schwarz (24)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: When you tickle me on the crook of my arm it tickles on my tongue.
Why iGEM: I want to get to know a lot of cool people, that are as well interested in Biochemistry.
Enikö Baligács (24)
Field of Study: Biology
Fun Fact: I´m always hungry for sweets.
Why iGEM: I want to collect new experiences, additionally I love teamspirit.
Franziska Winzig(19)
Field of Study: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Fun Fact: Do not mess with me before my first coffee in the morning.
Why iGEM: Learning and working with “pros” in the field of Bioengineering.
Johann Brenner (22)
Field of Study: Bioinformatics
Fun Fact: I actually want to become a mad scientist.
Why iGEM: It offers the chance to gain knowledge through learning by doing, while at the same time, enabling creative freedom.
Julia Mayer (25)
Field of Study: Biology
Fun Fact: I am passionate about baking and making desserts, my signature dessert is macarons.
Why iGEM:Seeing innovation starting from the beginning and fight in a team with a goal.
Katie Wong (23)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: My family name means: do not eat salo (a traditional Slavic food)
Why iGEM:Being creative, getting real lab experience, working with motivated people and making the world better.
Kateryna Neishsalo (21)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: “Eier, wir brauchen Eier!“
Why iGEM: To work with different people from different origins on a self-decided project.
Keno Eilers (27)
Field of Study: Nutrition and Biomedicine
Fun Fact: Of Irish descent.
Why iGEM: To contribute to building up a project from scratch and to learn cool stuff from cool people.
Nils O’Brien (22)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: Became the team leader without wanting to become one.
Why iGEM: To work interdisciplinary in a diverse team.
Quirin Emslander (24)
Field of Study: Bioinformatics
Fun Fact: Wanted to study architecture.
Why iGEM: Because I want to be involved in development of new technologies and research practicies in such a heterogeneous team.
Rita Olenchuk(22)
Field of Study: Biology
Fun Fact: When I went to Central America I was eating meat 3x per day. Back home i'm vegetarian.
Why iGEM:Experiencing the whole process of creating a project working with awesome people.
Sophie Kurzbach (24)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: My actual last name is ‘von Schönberg-Roth-Schönberg’. It doesn’t fit on my ID.
Why iGEM:It’s a great chance to work on a project with different people from different fields of study.
Sophie v. Schönberg (25)
Field of Study: Industrial Design, Human Factors Engineering
Fun Fact: I talk in my sleep every night.
Why iGEM: Experience in Bio-World. I believe that it will change the world.
Yunfei Long (27)
Field of Study: Biophysics
Fun Fact: I like to speak in my Bavarian dialect.
Why iGEM: To support the team in the labwork and to be part of a team of motivated people who work on a cool project.
Elisabeth Falgenhauer (25)
Field of Study: Physics
Fun Fact: I can nap at any time of the day.
Why iGEM: To work on one cool out of the box project with a group of motivated students.
John Henningsen (24)
Field of Study: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Fun Fact: I’m not funny. Sarcasm is serious.
Why iGEM:I am happy to pass on my knowledge, but expect to learn a lot during the project as well.
Julia Müller (27)
Field of Study: Biophysics
Fun Fact: I have almost 100 board games.
Why iGEM: iGEM is a great opportunity to work in a highly motivated team on a project from scratch at all possible aspects.
Kilian Vogele (25)
Field of Study: Biophysics
Fun Fact: I’m Austrian.
Why iGEM: I can’t let go.
Lukas Aufinger (25)
Field of Study: Physics
Fun Fact: I like all foods except mushrooms.
Why iGEM: To work on a scientific project in a large team rather than by myself, for once.
Lukas Oesinghaus (27)
Field of Study: Synthetic Biology
Fun Fact: Two times iGEM experience before. (2012, 2016)
Why iGEM: Helping and working with young iGEMers, sharing and giving them my own experience and knowledge.
Mark Tianhe Wang (26)
Field of Study: Bioinformatics
Fun Fact: Fanatic minION fan - also likes Minions.
Why iGEM: Its interdisciplinary character is really awesome, besides I enjoy teaching students also the practial parts of their field of studies.
Markus Joppich (29)
Field of Study: Biology
Fun Fact: Tinkers microfluidic chips from any material.
Why iGEM: It is a great scientific adventure and exciting to help with turning ideas into reality.
Michael Heymann (35)
Field of Study: Biochemistry
Fun Fact: I brought a guzheng from China in an airplane and people looked at me as if it was a corpse.
Why iGEM: It is incredibly rewarding to see a project evolve from the first idea until the final experiments.
Sven Klumpe (24)
Field of Study: Biophysics
Fun Fact: Transports human transplant organs as a side job.
Why iGEM: I’m interested in the huge amount of fresh ideas that are developed all over the world to tackle current problems.
Thomas Frank (26)