Team:NTHU Formosa/Collaboration

Team Collaboration

We had several meetings with 2018 iGEM team NTHU_Taiwan since August 3rd to troubleshoot their problem on making constructs.

Earlier before the meeting, NTHU_Taiwan designed the gene of insert for their experiment. After getting the synthesized gene part from IDT and digesting both the inserts and the vectors, they proceeded to ligation, which failed after times they tried.

During the discussion, the design of the gene, cutting site and many other aspects are checked by us and appeared to be just fine. Later we concluded that the failing of ligation is due to low concentration of the inserts left following digestion and purification.

To avoid the digestion and purification steps, which caused the loss of their inserts, we re-designed primers for them and suggested NEBuilder Assembly kit for ligation. The kit requires lower DNA input and can save time by avoiding PCR amplification steps. Gladly, team NTHU_Taiwan successfully made all three constructs they needed-- pSB1C3 - AHL snesor - Anti – STAR, pSB1C3 - pLac – STAR, pSB1C3 - pLux – GFP—following our instructions.2018.08.03

Wiki Page

Since building wiki pages is unfamiliar to our team, on August 24th , team NCTU­_Formosa gave us a tutorial about html.

During the tutorial, we learned:

1.Basic tags and elements for html

2.Image scale and website format adjustment

3.Styling html with CSS and JavaScript

4.Conversion of websites in PC and mobile version

Thanks to NCTU­_Formosa’s guidance, discussion and their generosity to assist our problems through messeges after the meetup, the wiki page we expected can be built successfully by a team composing of biology background. We both learned a lot from each other.