


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nisl lorem, dictum id pellentesque at, vestibulum ut arcu. Curabitur erat libero, egestas eu tincidunt ac, rutrum ac justo. Vivamus condimentum laoreet lectus, blandit posuere tortor aliquam vitae. Curabitur molestie eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nisl lorem, dictum id pellentesque at, vestibulum ut arcu. Curabitur erat libero, egestas eu tincidunt ac, rutrum ac justo. Vivamus condimentum laoreet lectus, blandit posuere tortor aliquam vitae. Curabitur molestie eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nisl lorem, dictum id pellentesque at, vestibulum ut arcu. Curabitur erat libero, egestas eu tincidunt ac, rutrum ac justo. Vivamus condimentum laoreet lectus, blandit posuere tortor aliquam vitae. Curabitur molestie eros.


On January 17th, the team held a meeting to arrange winter vacation learning tasks.
From January 18th to January 21st, Wu Yaxuan and former iGEM team members gave us experimental skills training.
From January 21st to February 23rd, the captain gave us the task of reading quantitative documents and previous excellent projects on a daily basis, reporting weekly and doing brain storm.
On February 27th, the team held a meeting and reported the results of the brain storm for the first time. In the following period, our respective teams analyzed and improved the results of the brain storm.
On March 24th, the team held a meeting and reported the brainstorm results for the second time. Next, analyze and improve the ideas of each group. Some of the team members also went to the Shanghai Academy of Sciences to consult the relevant issues.
On March 30th, The college instructor and other professors participated in our report, and we finalized the topic after the meeting. From March 30th to April 10th , We have perfected the project and started planning experiments.
On April 5th, we participated in the exchange meeting of Nanjing University, China Pharmaceutical University and Nanjing Agricultural University.
On April 10th, the group started the experiment and did some preparatory experiments.
On April 29th, we participated in the iGEM team exchange meeting in Nanjing.
On May 12th, Fang Chengzhu connected TetO-miniCMV to pEGFP-N1 and verified by sequencing.
On June 10th , Yu Yuan and Ge Jitao used the plasmid provided by Fudan University to replace the intracellular domain of Syn-Notch with TEV.
From June 14th to June 17th , Zhou Jiaxin and Wang Chunfeng successfully constructed the EF1α-SV40 plasmid.
On June 14th, Fang Chengzhu connected TetO-miniCMV-EGFP to V2 and verified by sequencing.
From June 17th to June 22nd, Zhou Jiaxin and Wang Chunfeng successfully constructed the Ubc-SV40 plasmid.
On June 19th, Yu Yuan and Ge Jitao initially connected the modified synnotch to the lenticrisper V2 plasmid.
On June 25th, Fang Chengzhu connected TetO-UbC-EGFP and TetO-EF1α-EGFP into pEGFP-N1 and verified by sequencing.
From July 12th to July 23rd, Zhou Jiaxin and Wang Chunfeng successfully constructed three standard parts of EF1α-EGFP, Ubc-EGFP and miniCMV-EGFP.
From July 15th to July 25th, some members went to the Shanghai Academy of Health Sciences for an interview.
From July 21st to July 25th, Ge Jitao used the homologous recombination to correct and recombine the anti-GFP-mnotch-tev fragment into the V2 plasmid.
From July 23th toJuly 28th, We interviewed Nanjing residents at different locations in Nanjing.
From July 25th to August 5th, Zhou Jiaxin and Wang Chunfeng successfully constructed a reporter gene plasmid.
From July 26th to August 15th, Ge Jitao used the homologous recombination to construct the anti-GFP-mnotch-tev standard part, but there was no result.
On July 27th, we carried out popular science propaganda in Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum.
On July 28th, the original lenticrisper V2 plasmid was modified to make it stable.
On July 29th, Fang Chengzhu connected TetO-EF1α-EGFP to V2 and verified by sequencing.
From July 30th to August 2nd, Some players participated in the Asia-Pacific exchange meeting.
On August 4th, Fang Chengzhu connected the recombination sites attB and attP of Bxb1 into pEGFP-N1 and verified by sequencing.
On August 5th, Yu Yuan originally constructed IL6scfv on the PEGFP-N1 plasmid.
On August 9th, Fang Chengzhu connected the recombination sites attB and attP of TP901 and PhiC31 into pEGFP-N1 and verified by sequencing.
On August 13th, TetR was constructed on the Clastblast plasmid.
From August 15th to August 18th, Ge Jitao constructed the anti-GFP-mnotch-tev standard part using homologous recombination.
On August 19th, Fang Chengzhu connected TetO-UbC-EGFP to V2 and verified by sequencing.
From August 19th to August 25th, Ge Jitao used homologous recombination to construct Bxb1 site reporter, PhiC31 site reporter, and TP901 site reporter standard part.
On August 20th, Fang Chengzhu connected mCherry into the recombination sites attB and attP of Bxb1 and TP901 and verified by sequencing.
On August 21st, Yuyuan built Surface-expressed GFP on lenticrisper V2 plasmid, but the sequencing was bimodal and was further sequenced.
On August 25th, Fang Chengzhu connected mCherry to the recombination site attB and attP of PhiC31 and verified by sequencing.
From August 26th to September 5th, Ge Jitao used EcoR1 and Pst1 enzyme enzyme enzymes to construct the standard part of Bxb1, PhiC31 and TP901 coding sequences.
From August 26th to August 31st, Xu Sheng successfully constructed miniCMV-Bxb1-V2 (none, nls, flag), miniCMV-tp901-V2 (none, nls, flag), EF1α-Bxb1-V2 (none, nls, Flag), EF1α-tp901-V2 (none, nls, flag), ubc-tp901-V2 (none, nls, flag).
From August 30th to September 3rd , Zhou Jiaxin and Wang Chunfeng successfully constructed miniCMV-phiC31-V2 (none, nls, flag), Ubc-phiC31-V2 (none, nls, flag).
From September 1st to September 6th, Xu Sheng successfully constructed miniCMV-Bxb1-V2, miniCMV-tp901-V2, EF1α-tp901-V2
From September 3rd to September 6th, Zhou Jiaxin and Wang Chunfeng successfully constructed EF1α-phiC31-V2 (none, nls, flag)
From September 5th to September 15th, Ge Jitao used the homologous recombination to construct the Bxb1 site, PhiC31 site, and TP901 site standard parts, but there was no result.
From September 7th to September 8th, Xu Sheng successfully constructed EF1α-Bxb1-V2, ubc-tp901-V2, to be verified by sequencing.