
Team:XMU-China/Attributions -


The iGEMers of XMU-China are responsible for all the iGEM work this year, which include idea, lab work, wiki, paperwork and so on. Also, we communicate and collaborate with many iGEM teams this year. All the work done by our team members and help received from others are shown below.


Brainstorms (Start from Mar. 2018): All team members.
Guided by PI: Baishan Fang, Keju Jing and advisors: Chen Kainan.


The lab work started in April 2018.
1. Molecular cloning and circuit construction
All student members.
Gene synthesis:
BBa_K2623001, BBa_K2623002, BBa_K2623003, BBa_K2623004, BBa_K2623005, BBa_K2623006, BBa_K2623009, BBa_K2623011 and BBa_K2623013 were synthesized by IDT. BBa_K2623007, BBa_K2623008, BBa_K2623014, BBa_K2623015, BBa_K2623016, BBa_K2623021, BBa_K2623022, BBa_K2623023, BBa_K2623024, BBa_K2623025, BBa_K2623026, BBa_K2623027, BBa_K2623028, BBa_K2623029, BBa_K2623030, BBa_K2623031, BBa_K2623032, and BBa_K2623040 were synthesized by Bioray.
Guided by instructor: Fu Yousi and student leader: Yulong Han, Yang Liang.
2. Hardware
Engineering: Qiupeng Wang and Yunyun Hu.
Functional test: Qiupeng Wang and Yunyun Hu.
Guided by student leader: Yang Liang and advisors: Hang Yu, Yuerong Xue and Xiong Xiong.
3. Software
Engineering: Yucheng Chen, Hongling Liu.
Functional test: Qiupeng Wang and Yunyun Hu.
Guided by student leader: Yang Liang and advisors: Hang Yu, Yuerong Xue and Xiong Xiong.
4. Characterization
All student members.
Guided by instructor: Ai-hui Zhang, Xiao-yan Zhuang and student leader: Yang Liang.
5. Interlab
Jiyang Zheng, Niangui Cai, Ye Qiang, Yucheng Chen, Yunyun Hu, Qiupeng Wang, Junhong Chen, and Ruofan Yang.
Guided by student leader: Yulong Han.
6. Improve a previous project
Ye Qiang, Jun Dai, Weizhao Li and Yi Lin.
Guided by advisors: Yuan Cheng and Xinyi Ren.


1. Newsletter
Qiupeng Wang.
Guided by instructor: Rengwei Liu.
2. Communication with other teams
All of our team members.
Guided by advisor: Yilin Ye and student leader: Yang Liang.
Presentation coaching by student leader: Yang Liang and advisor: Yunshu Xin.
3. Human practice
Planner: Jiyang Zheng, Junhong Chen, Qiupeng Wang.
Art Design: Qiang Ye, Junhong Chen.
Entrepreneurship: Qiupeng Wang.
Participants: All student members.
Guided by advisor: Xiao Hu, Yuhan Qin, Hang Yu, Zhongfu Chen and student leader: Yang Liang.
4. Wiki
Yucheng Chen.
Guided by student leader: Yulong Han, Yang Liang and advisors: Wei Yang, Hang Yu, Yunshu Xin.
5. Art design
PowerPoint: Yucheng Chen.
Videos: Yuanjun Shang.
Brochures: Qiupeng Wang.
Logo, banner and souvenirs: Yu Hang.
Guided by advisor: Hang Yu.
6. Collaboration
Fei Wu, Yunyun Hu, Niangui Cai, Yingming Zhu and Gezhi Xiao.
Guided by student leader: Yang Liang, Yulong Han and advisor: Yilin Ye, Yuanjun Shang.
Difficult technique supported by PI: Baishan Fang and Keju Jing.


Project: Jiyang Zheng, Fei Wu, Junhong Chen and Ruofan Yang.
Guided by advisor: Yilin Ye and student leader: Yang Liang.


Siyuan Yin. Guided by advisor: Wenyao Shao and student leader: Yang Liang.

Team training

Our university don't have an iGEM or synthetic biology course. We learnt the knowledge from the textbooks and iGEM official website.
Guided by advisor: Yuan Cheng, Chen Kainan, Xuejie Zhang, Wenyao Shao and student leader: Yang Liang, Yulong Han.
Supported by PI: Baishan Fang and Keju Jing.


We would like to thank our instructors Baishan Fang and Keju Jing for providing us laboratory, material and instruments. We also want to thank Sangon BioTech, Shanghai for primer synthesis and DNA sequencing, and thank IDT for their free gene synthesis.