Haohui Fang

Major: Year 2 Biological Sciences
Interests: Socializing, watching sports games, participating pubic activities, exchanging insights on a specific topic.
Motto: Always seeking the unknown, keeping daily refreshed, accepting new challenges. Finally back to the unpretentious, reaching internal resonance.

Mian Wu

Major: Applied Mathemantics.
Interests: R&B, play go game.
Motto: Complex is better than complicated.
Though the math rely on calculation, but why not give the task to computer programs.

Dr. Guoxia Han

Position:Associate Professor of Department of Biological Sciences.

Dr. David, Sung Kay, Chiu

Position: Associate Professor of Department of Biological Sciences.

Di Zhen

Major: Year 1/Bioinformatics.
Interests: Love biology and programming, two amazing things in the world. Also, Playing the piano.
Motto: No challenge, no change.

Hanfu Shi

Major: Year 2 Bioinformatics.
Interest: Comics.

Hanpu Wang

Major: Year 1 Biological Sciences
Interests: love biology and doing research, especially finding out unknown molecular mechanisms inside cells. I like arts, all kinds of poems & music. I am always curious. I love to make changes through my gradual comprehension of the word.

Qinyu Ni

Major: Year 1 Bioinformatics
Interests: rock music, classical literature and delicacy.
Motto: Carpe diem. viva la vida.

Prof. Dechang Xu

Director of Research Office, XJTLU.
Deputy director of International Technology Transfer Centre.

Haoping Cheng

Major: Year 2, Biological Sciences.
Interests: Games and Traveling.
Motto: Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Yuxuan Wu

Major: Year 1 Bioinformatics.
Interests: Reading novels; Watching movies; Daydreaming.
Motto: Real change can only come from within.

Zeyu Yang

Major: Year 2, Information and Computing Science.

Mr. Yunpeng Zhong

Yijing Gong

Junliang Lin

Major: Year 2 Biological Sciences.
Interests: Biomedical and human remodeling.
Motto: ”God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.”

Liuhua Chen

Major: 2nd year Biology.
Interest: Cooking and Baking.
Motto: Every step counts.

Peng Chai

Major: Year two student Biological Sciences.
Interests: Explore the world and enjoy my life.
Motto: How time flies, be with someone interesting.


Major: Year two Biological Sciences.
Interest: Piano.
Motto: You are filled with determination.

Zixin Rong

Sihong Yu

Major: Year 3 Biological Sciences.
Interests: Running and music.

Shiyu Liu

Major: Year 2 Biological Sciences.
Interest: Bird photographing.
I think that biology is a path for human to understand their connection with every other thing exists, and revere them as we recognize how little we know about ourselves.

Xiaohan Zhang

Year: 2 Major: Applied Chemistry.
Interests: Psychology and travel enthusiast.

Collaborators and Supporters


Rm 363, Science Building

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

111 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, China




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