Centre of Structural Biochemistry of Montpellier
The CBS was our host lab for our experiments.
The research of the CBS is at the forefront of Structural Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering as a mean to describe and understand the fundamental physicochemical mechanisms underlying biological processes, from the molecular to the cellular and tissue level.
University of Montpellier
The University of Montpellier teaches sciences and human sciences since 1289. The university has created three poles, one of which is focusing on sciences and technologies and is the one where iGEM team is studying. It proposes a large variety of professionalizing based formations throughout Bachelor, Master and PhD studies.
Réseau Figure
The Figure network is a French national network of Science and Technology Universities. It proposes Engineering Master Curriculum in 28 Universities in 5 years of study in order to make the students ready for an engineer future.
MUSE - Montpellier University of Excellence
The MUSE project is regrouping 19 institutions and aims to make Montpellier University having a bigger international impact in fields as agriculture, environment or health. The 19 institutions are working as privileged partners with each other to enhance research programs.
Sanofi is an international leader in the health industry. It has 79 industrial sites in 36 countries. They bring solutions in vaccines, general medicine, cardiovascular diseases. The company also got recently interested in synthetic biology for the production of therapeutic molecules.
French Embassy in the United States of America - Science and Technology Service
The Mission for Science and Technology is a service of the French Embassy in the U.S.A regrouping 8 scientific attachés. Their work is of large spectrum, going from technology transfer to energy or space. The team is involved in different programs and works with a lot of research units, universities and companies.
EpiGenMed is a research program in the biohealth field. It was selected by the French Ministry of Research and Education. The “Laboratoire d’Excellence” wants to encourage clinical research and interdisciplinary projects by regrouping 58 research groups in Montpellier. The project is acting mainly by recruiting PhD students, Postdoctoral fellows and Chairs of Excellence.
International Research Network (IRN) “Physics of Living Systems”
This IRN regroups different laboratories in different fields such as Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computational Biology in both France and the USA. The IRN organizes meetings and symposium to make the labs work together toward a better understanding of living organisms by using a systemic approach.
Integrated DNA Technologies
IDT is a leader in the oligos manufacturing industry. They provide services such as oligos synthesis, CRISPR technologies or sequencing. Their help for iGEM teams is precious as they offer an amount of free DNA sequences.
New England Biolabs
NEB produces and sells enzyme reagents for molecular biology. The company also give free access to research tools. NEB has been an iGEM partner for many years and their products are highly appreciated by iGEM teams.
Ulule Contributors
In this section we would like to thank all the 83 people that contributed to our crowdfunding.
A special thank to :
Jean Fristot, buchcolette, pascalechenu, chouchou-03, yvesmeneumarcel, jack34, Stephane Bosonnet, cecilette34, valboffy, nicolec43, Léandre Bierré, efp33, spigro, laurencemalachanne, cheveche76, camille17-2, poophip, Ghita Serrhini, minidamemay, rkahn, vivianemeneu, Benjamin Dubourguier, Magali Perceval, marda, pmiellet, Romane Deveze, dmathieukac, f6gsg, pauline_combe, arianeweiss, aure_oc, Christine FRISTOT, bruno34170, bescondfamily, Céline Le Coq, mgx58, chl_oe14, thilde10, Julianne Cnvt, nancyphyllis, Pauline Billioque, Iliana Boussou, caroline guion, Manon Aboulinc, Elo, Léa Larch, chloesitterle, sophiebernard7146, xaelle39, sest2018, jujuza, looshy, Astu Yrtoje, Nafyn Ghib Garilel, faudotfiona, Valérie Pomel, Audrey Romanet, ruccioblanche, midenali, Elisa Lanceron, Thibault Bernard, commemoncousin, floraturpin5, mill3, extemporis, merline76, ct1, brenda4064, alexoctarine, pascalechenu, Rose In, nath_01, cuuline, Pablo Carrillo, scopounet, annagmlt, nathanpi, breboin, Paul Blanchier, sheelagh, olep, sdy, 34clarisse71 and franck Heintzé.