
Team:ZJUT-China -

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In order to promote the science of synthetic biology, promote biosafety and promote our team's projects, we decided to make a brochure on synthetic biology after discussion. To make the brochure more interesting, we wrote a coherent story of the project and produced four cartoons to vividly visualize super-resistant bacteria. On the first day of school, we sent the brochure to the freshmen. After receiving the brochure, the students were reading it carefully. Some interested students even asked us for more knowledge about synthetic biology. We hope that this brochure will stimulate students' interest in synthetic biology and participate in more activities related to synthetic biology in the future.

Open a public course

In order to meet the needs of more people, we applied to the school this year to open a public elective course on the basis of molecular genetic machine engineering design, which allows college students interested in synthetic biology to independently learn the knowledge related to synthetic biology, we have provided A platform that can learn the knowledge of synthetic biology, we are pleasantly surprised that the class was full, and in addition, we introduced the igem competition, these college students showed a very strong interest and enthusiasm.

WeChat public account online

WeChat is a popular social software in China for communication by mobile phone. Some middle-aged and elderly people in China don't always believe in rumors. In order to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to them, some scientific and reasonable views have been disseminated to prevent the elderly from being misled by rumors. We created two WeChat rumors, including bacterial resistance and GM food safety; and were promoted and forwarded in a circle of friends. Finally, we have received a lot of praise and received a lot of attention. Through our promotion, middle-aged and elderly people understand the truth behind more rumors and are no longer easily misled by rumors. It is hoped that this will enable older people to understand biology more deeply, so that the elderly are no longer misled by rumors and hope to promote public attention to biology.

Children interested in biology

Place:Science and Technology Museum Activity Summary

In order to promote the popularization of synthetic biology and arouse public interest in synthetic biology, we have jointly planned the 2018 Zhejiang Shengxi Science and Technology Festival with six schools including Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Science and Technology Association. In this activity, our team prepared two small games to let children know more about biology. In addition, some children participated in the game boards produced after our activities to gain a deeper understanding of these biological knowledge. We also prepared lectures on project promotion and the spread of synthetic biology. All the children in the audience listened carefully and enthusiastically answered our questions. Therefore, we will learn from the experience of this event and do better in the next HP promotion.

In order to promote the popularization of synthetic biology and arouse public interest in synthetic biology, we have jointly planned the 2018 Zhejiang Shengxi Science and Technology Festival with six schools including Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Science and Technology Association. In this activity, our team prepared two small games to let children know more about biology. In addition, some children participated in the game boards produced after our activities to gain a deeper understanding of these biological knowledge. We also prepared lectures on project promotion and the spread of synthetic biology. All the children in the audience listened carefully and enthusiastically answered our questions. Therefore, we will learn from the experience of this event and do better in the next HP promotion.

Young scholars in the field of synthetic biology

This summer, the 5th China Regional iGEM Exchange (CCiC) was held at Shanghai University of Science and Technology. More than 60 IGEM teams shared their research and experience in Shanghai. We shared the main content and project experience of this year's team project. In addition, we also displayed posters in the lobby of the School of Life Sciences of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and further exchanged with other team members. Many of the suggestions we received from other teams were very valuable, so we went back to further improve the design and adjust the next step; in addition, we worked closely with Jiangnan China and ECUST because our project modules are suitable for them.

University preaching to freshmen

In order to give 2018 freshmen a chance to learn more about synthetic biology and iGEM, we distributed brochures on synthetic biology and gave them a demonstration. We also extended knowledge of biosafety to them through this event. After we delivered our speech, they had a more detailed understanding of iGEM and raised many questions for us. Through lively communicating with them, we saw there are many new students interested in synthetic biology and biosafety issues.

Promotion for primary school students

Students in Jiangjiachitou village, Xiwu street,Fenghua district, Ningbo

The small biology class from igemers was held in Jiangjiatoutou Village, Xiwu Street, Fenghua District, Ningbo. The village committee really welcomes and supports us. First, what do we share with children? How did humans develop? Arouse children's curiosity and doubts about biology. In turn, we developed genetic concepts that extend to synthetic biology. Here, we interspersed with an explanation of the benefits and principles of antibiotic use. After listening to our lectures, the students showed great interest. They made a lot of questions about what we said and some new ideas that surprised us.