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                   <h3>Safety design in Printeria</h3>
                   <h3>Safety design in Printeria</h3>
                   <p>Paris-Bettencourt team was right when they said : “Biosafety is an exciting design challenge, an essential enabling technology for synthetic biology, and a fundamental ethical obligation of all bioengineers”.</p>
                   <p>Paris-Bettencourt team was right when they said : “Biosafety is an exciting design challenge, an essential enabling technology for synthetic biology, and a fundamental ethical obligation of all bioengineers”.</p>
                  <p>This sentence describes perfectly what we did with printeria.  Printeria was designed to ensure safety. In the next table you can se diferent safety problems we saw and how we solved them.</p>
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                                 <td><p>Number of samples</p></td>
                                 <td><p>Sterilization of the PCB</p></td>
                                 <td><p>From <b>3 to 6 samples of reporter protein</b> and <b>3 samples of blank</b></p></td>  
                                 <td><p>How do we clean the PCB without damaging the metalic and plastic components. Well, we decided to copy what flow cabins do. Based on this  we decided to use UV Led lights to achieve this objective. Furthermore we have an especial reaction that use little droplets with HCl and ethanol to clean perfectly the PCB.</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>Sterilization of the microfluidic tubes</p></td>
                                 <td><p>37 ºC</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>The reaction fluid is going to pass through microfluidic tubes and it will contaminate them, to reverse this situation we will use the same droplets with ethanol and HCl.</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>Protection of the user</p></td>
                                 <td><p>Double Orbital. 01:00 (MM:SS)</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>We want the user to see what is happening inside Printeria but also we want them to be protected if something wrong happens inside. Thats why we thought that a meetacrilate box that cover the machines would be a nice option. Besides, it is useful to pin up the elements which will be part of Printera.</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>Absorbance. Optical Density (OD)</p></td>
                                 <td><p>Overheating of the PCB</p></td>
                                 <td><p>Wavelenght at <b>600 nm</b> emission</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>As the PCB has a cold zone and a hot one as well, it is necessary to evacuate the heat generated in the hot zone we use a Peltier which extracs the energy to stabilize the temperature. This energy has to be disipated, thats why we added some ventilation holes to allow convection.</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>Excitacion and emission scans</p></td>
                                 <td><p>The scans occur between <b>two wavelength limit values</b>. The established range will depend on the theoretical spectrum of the protein.</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>Ha sido diseñado en una PCB dedicada y compacta para aislarlo correctamente de cualquier exposición del usuair a 1600 V.</p></td>  
                                 <td><p>Excitacion and emission wavelengths</p></td>
                                 <td><p>These values will depend on the range, and therefore on the spectrum. Values far from the theoretical peak lead to more attenuated fluorescence curves, and values very close to the peak can lead to overlap and error in reading the data. Therefore, <b>a compromise must be reached between curve resolution and reading overlap</b>.</p></td>
                                 <td><p>Tips which go in the revolver wheel are disposable to ensure the purity of each reaction.</p></td>  
                                <td><p>Gain (G)</p></td>
                                <td><p>Normally the gain value <b>G = 60</b>, although for proteins with lower fluorescence, it is recommended that G takes higher values.</p></td>  
                 <p>Lista + Comité de ética.
                 <p>A science without ethics is cruel, and an ethics with science is empty. Ethics become really important when a project is being thought. For this reason we wanted to pass the UPV (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia) ethics committee. Here you can download the document we send them to approve and the answer of the committee. </p>
Riesgo y posibles soluciones.
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Revision as of 11:05, 4 October 2018

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As Theodor Reik (Sigmund Freud disciple) said: “In science, like in all life fields, a slogan is imposed: security first”. Nowadays, safety is an essential requirement when creating new devices that humans will use, and Printeria is not different.

On the one hand biosafety describes the containment principles. technologies and practices that are implemented to prevent the unintentional exposure to pathogens and toxines, or their accidental release [1]. On the other hand biosecurity describes de protection, control and accountability for valuable biological materials within laboratories, inorder to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release.

Next paragraphs describe how and why we implemented biosafety and biosecurity requirements in Printeria.

Lab safety

Safety design in Printeria

Lab Safety

This collaboration was born when Ismael (Imperial College iGEM team supervisor) came to the Univertitat Politécnica de Valencia to have a meeting with Diego Orzáez one of our instructors. Taking advantage of that situation we met with him and he explained us the Imperial College project called PixCell.

PixCell aims to get electronics and Synthetic Biology closer designing an innovative sistem where the culture is controlled by voltage.  

Antes de poner en marcha el gran proyecto que es Printeria, tenemos que comprobar que las construcciones genéticas y los métodos de laboratorio que vamos a utilizar, funcionan en un entorno controlado y seguro como es el de un laboratorio. Printeria utiliza como chasis bacterias E.coli de riesgo biológico 1 provenientes de las cepas DB3.1, 10G y TOP10. Para las construcciones utilizamos biobricks y partes suministradas por IDT en Golden Gate. Este trabajo, es realizado solamente por personas con experiencia en el campo y con conocimiento sobre la seguridad del laboratorio, como es el caso de los Biotecnólogos y los Ingenieros Biomédicos. Protocolos seguridad de antemano escrita y guiada por los instructors Alejandro vignoni y Yadira Boada Acosta El laboratorio que utilizamos sigue la legislación vigente sobre el riesgo 1 (Ley 31/1995, RD 664/1997) y tiene para ello un autoclave () y una campana () con esterilización mediante UV. Además los resíduos generados por el laboratorio están minuciosamente controlados por el CGROM (centro generador de resíduos en la Oficina de Medioambiente) que facilitan los contenedores e intrucciones necesarias para la correcta clasificación de los resíduos.  

Como medida de seguridad adicional, no se utiliza Bromuro de Etidio sino SYBR Safe, que tiene el mismo efecto sin efectos cancerígenos pero su uso es el mismo que con el BrEt en cuanto a protocolo.

CONTACT US igem.upv.2018@gmail.com