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                   <p>Ryan Fobel is CEO of <a href="https://sci-bots.com/" target="blank">Sci-Bots</a>located in Toronto (Canada). He is also doctor of philosophy and medical biophysics. </p>
                   <p>Ryan Fobel is CEO of <a href="https://sci-bots.com/" target="blank">Sci-Bots</a>located in Toronto (Canada). He is also doctor of philosophy and medical biophysics. </p>
                   <p>Descripción marc: Cómo conociste a Ryan, de que hablabais, como nos ha ayudados con el amterial de que ahcen y porqué nos llevó a hacer la entrevista. </p>
                   <p>We e-mailed Ryan to get in contact with a business that actually does Digital Microfluidics and learned a lot from the variables involved into this technology. Our final design was heavily influenced by our conversation via Skype with him. We even got a chance at using some of the Digital Microfluidics Chips that Sci-Bots uses for their machine.</p>
                   <p>Conclusions of the talks:</p>
                   <p>Highlits of design changes:</p>
                           <p><b>Conclusion 1 (algo breve tipo: NO usar Vibrio en Printeria)</b> + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria : Nos advirtio de esto porque tacatá y entonces hemos implementado en Printeria esto.</p>
                           <p><b>Pad distance</b>: It is really important that pads have as little of a distance between them as possible. <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:Valencia_UPV/Experiments#hardware" target="blank">On our early tests</a> we used around <b>6 mils</b> of separation between pads. He really advised us to use <b>4 mils</b> pad separation, and this was implemented on the final PCB for the experimentation surface.</p>
                           <p><b>Conclusion 1 (algo breve tipo: NO usar Vibrio en Printeria)</b> + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria : Nos advirtio de esto porque tacatá y entonces hemos implementado en Printeria esto.</p>
                           <p><b>Surface coating</b>: This is the hardest part to get right. We learned that currently is better to <b>reaply the coating</b> everytime we do a reaction on the surface. To solve this we got inspired on the design by <a href="http://www.gaudi.ch/OpenDrop/" target="blank">OpenDrop</a> of using <b>disposable surfaces</b> that are held on top of the PCB and we used that concept on the final design of our machine. </p>
                          <p><b>Conclusion 1 (algo breve tipo: NO usar Vibrio en Printeria)</b> + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria : Nos advirtio de esto porque tacatá y entonces hemos implementado en Printeria esto.</p>

Revision as of 17:27, 14 October 2018

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Welcome to integrated human practices webpage. Here we will show you what we have done in human practices, how we have done to integrate it in Printeria and why this part deserves the gold medal check.

Kano model. An engineering way to integrate feedback.
Expert dialoge. How experts point of view changed the way we did Printeria.
Safety desing. How safety specifications changed Printeria


1. TERNINKO, J. (1997). Step-by-Step QFD, Customer-Driven Product Design, Second edition. USA: St . Lucie Press.

2. Olson,D. (2014) “Kano Model Priorization” .[Consulted: 10/8/2018]

3. Youtube, “Aplicación del modelo Kano-Caso práctico Excel” en Youtube [Consulted: 10/8/2018]

CONTACT US igem.upv.2018@gmail.com