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                           <p><b>They way we have to bring Printeria to the market</b></p><p>Yturralde said that there is something really important in art and it is the creative process. He recommended us not to show the product (draws in petri plates) but show the creative process. This way we will catch the artist attention. In this line, we consider to do several promotional videos with the process to show them in future art gallery expositions.</p>
                           <p><b>They way we have to bring Printeria to the market</b></p><p>Yturralde said that there is something really important in art and it is <b>the creative process</b>. He recommended us not to show the product (draws in petri plates) but show the creative process. This way we will catch the artist attention. In this line, we consider to do several promotional videos with the process to show them in future art gallery expositions like Hangar Gallery in Barcelona or EL planetari de Castelló where we will go after the jamboree to present our project.</p>
                          <p>Furthermore, he told us that we had to sell the idea of an art that evolves with time because Printeria is not only makes art, it makes life, science and evolution.</p>
                           <p><b>Conclusion 1 (algo breve tipo: NO usar Vibrio en Printeria)</b> + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria : Nos advirtio de esto porque tacatá y entonces hemos implementado en Printeria esto.</p>
                           <p><b>Where will Printeria have a great impact?</b></p><p>Yturralde recommends the <b>US</b> to launch such innovative projects. The fact is that it is not without reason, as in Spain there have been many television media and laboratories that have ignored us, for example TVE (Spanish Television) or A3 (Antena tres) which are very important TV channels in our country. Therefore, if we continue with the project after iGEM, we will direct all our efforts abroad, it is decided!</p>
                           <p><b>Conclusion 1 (algo breve tipo: NO usar Vibrio en Printeria)</b> + Explicación de como se ha integrado en Printeria : Nos advirtio de esto porque tacatá y entonces hemos implementado en Printeria esto.</p>
                           <p><b>Printeria, the near future</b></p><p>When we asked him about improvements of printeria, he said: <i>" It is not what is missing is what is going to come"</i>. He encoraged us to continue with Printeria because we will be the start of a new and revolutioanry way of expression.</p>

Revision as of 21:54, 16 October 2018

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Welcome to integrated human practices webpage. Here we will show you what we have done in human practices, how we have done to integrate it in Printeria and why this part deserves the gold medal check.

Kano model.

An engineering way to integrate feedback.
Expert dialoge.

How experts point of view changed the way we did Printeria.
Safety desing.

How safety specifications changed Printeria


1. TERNINKO, J. (1997). Step-by-Step QFD, Customer-Driven Product Design, Second edition. USA: St . Lucie Press.

2. Olson,D. (2014) “Kano Model Priorization” .[Consulted: 10/8/2018]

3. Youtube, “Aplicación del modelo Kano-Caso práctico Excel” on Youtube [Consulted: 10/8/2018]

4. María Peñil & Mehmet Berkmen, “Bacterial Art” [Consulted: 12/8/2018]

CONTACT US igem.upv.2018@gmail.com