Team:Valencia UPV/Parts

Stack Multipurpose HTML Template

Part Collection

As we have explained in [página del porqué usamos GB] we are using the Golden Gate assembly method. But we have a problem: There is not a part collection as complete as for BioBricks.

In order to solve this problem, we have made a collection of characterized basic parts (promoters, RBS, CDS and terminators), following the Golden Braid 3.0 standard and creating transcriptional units with them.

The grammar of the basic parts is the same as in MoClo but we have selected The Golden Braid 3.0 assembly method because it allows us to create multigenic constructions with a simple binary system: the transcriptional units are assembled in only 2 different destination plasmids. [link a Golden braid].

pie de foto

Part Table

We have created these parts:

<groupparts class="col-md-12">iGEM18 Valencia_UPV</groupparts>