Team:Valencia UPV/Demonstrate

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After long months of effort and dedication, the Printeria project of the Valencia UPV iGEM 2018 team is now a reality! All our work has been reflected in our Printeria device. With this project we intend to make the approach to Synthetic Biology a reality, but... to what extent has our team been able to develop Printeria? Does it really work? Let's see all the evidences of our achievements... Check it yourself!

Printeria device conceptesting

For the correct working of Printeria many technologies have to interact and work together in order to produce the desired reaction. But the individual parts themselves also have to work properly in order for the whole to function. In this way, we want to our individual proofs of concept that then are joined on Printeria so that finally our user does not have to think about the complex processes that happen inside Printeria.

  • The entrance system is a completely original approach in order to dispense precise quantities of liquid in a compact and highly controllable way. As well as to make it easier for the user to introduce the materials all at once or individually (discover more about the inner workings of Printeria entrance system). You can see our concept test on this video:

  • The digital MicroFluidics is at the centre of Printeria, and it enables a high control of the reaction. We have accomplished the movement on the droplets in smaller test boards, as you can see here:

    And then we moved to a more clean product that is able to hold a larger number of pads and it is easier to control. You can see that result below:

  • The droplet needs to be heated and cooled for the reaction to take place. We have implemented these hot and cold zones via a resistor and a Peltier. Here the stability of the temperature control for both is demonstrated.

  • We have included the design of out electroporator from Hype It iGEM project, developed in 2016 by Valencia UPV team. The results of our experiment using it are shown here:

  • We have included the design of out electroporator from Hype It iGEM project, developed in 2016 by Valencia UPV team. The results of our experiment using electroporator are shown below:

  • For the output we have included an Optical Density and Fluorescence sensors in order to measure data from the bacteria that are growing on the tube. The results of our tests are the following:


Printeria Wet Lab demonstrations

One of the Printeria Wetlab challenges during the project has been to demonstrate that Printeria transcriptional units (TU) obtained with Golden Gate assembly technology are as efficients as TU assembled by BioBrick technology.

The main advantage offered by Golden Gate technology is the posibility to perform an assembly reaction with many parts in a single step. This is the main reason why we have design an extensive Part Collection standarized to GoldenBraid 3.0 grammar. However, which is the efficiency of these parts compared to BioBrick parts?

Faced with this question, we have designed a comparative experiment between two TU of identical structure but assembled with Golden Gate and BioBricks parts, respectively. In this way we can confirm, thanks to the results obtained, that the efficiency will be the same independently of the assembly method.