Team:TU Darmstadt/Project/Applications


Applications of PLA and its co-polymers PLGA and PLGC

PLA (Poly(lactic acid) is because of its good degradability a well-suited biopolymer for wrapping material and derives from renewable sources. After usage, it will degrade into non-toxic particles that cannot pollute the environment with microplastic. If animals eat it by accident, it will also do not harm them, because it is digestible.

Another application for PLA and its co-polymers PLGA and PLGC is the production of surgical supplies, which are used in the body and stay there for a set time, like screws for bone surgery or threads for sealing wounds. Those screws and threads do not have to be removed, because they will be metabolized into non-toxic compounds by the body or are excreted.

We focused on the third application of PLGA and especially on PLGC and its usage as drug carrier systems. For that, the polymers are turned into nanospheres loaded with therapeutics. These nanospheres could be taken orally or injected. During degradation, the nanospheres release the therapeutics and are broken down into non-toxic monomers, which are then dissolved, metabolized and excreted by the body, causing no further harm.



The usage of nanospheres in medicine continues to gain attention due to its advantages in the function as a drug carrier. The spheres can be loaded with different agents, such as fluorescence markers or drugs (e.g. chemotherapeutics). Once in the human body, the spheres slowly degrade and release a certain amount of drugs over time. Therefore, fewer injections per treatment are needed, which is more convenient for patients compared to conventional methods.

The work of Tobío and colleagues deals with the encapsulation of a protein antigen in PLA (poly-lactide (PLA)[1]. The resulting spheres were tested on how effectively they could enter the nasal mucosa of rats. This example showcases another way, nanospheres can be used as carriers in living organisms.

Not all polymers are suitable for such applications. It is vital, that the polymer for the production of nanospheres has a specific set of features. First, it needs to be biodegradable in the intended environment (e.g. the human body), and second, both the polymer itself and its monomers have to be non-toxic. PLGA and PLGC break down into the monomers lactic acid, glycolic acid and caprolactones. Both lactid acid and glycolic acid are endogenous in the human metabolism, and caprolactones are harmless for humans in small doses. Therefore, the human body can consume or excrete the monomers easily, when the spheres degrade slowly.

Moreover, PLGA is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and different products of PLGA for clinical usage are already available on the market. Additionally, the polymers poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL), poly-lactic acid (PLA) and poly-glycolic acid (PGA) were approved by the FDA as well. [2].

We included the synthesis of nanospheres into our project to show that our polymers have great potential and can even be used for applications such as drug-delivery systems [3].

Synthesis background

Nanoparticles are synthesized using a bulk polymer. The synthesis does not involve any chemical reactions, only phase transitions and the self assembly process of the polymer to form nanospheres. Two immiscible solutions have to be prepared to generate a system with two phases. The first phase is a solution of the polymer (PLGA or PLGC) in Dichloromethane (DCM). The second phase is a solution of low amounts of an emulsifying agent like Poly-vinyl-alkohol (PVA) in water. The phases first start mixing if the ultrasonic rod is turned on. Due to the presence of the emulsifying agent, little DCM/polymer spheres form in the water phase, which turns the system from a two phase system to an emulsion. The size of the dispersed spheres is dependent on the amount and type of the emulsifying agent and also the intensity of the ultrasonic waves (Figure 1).[4]


Figure 1: illustration of the nanoparticle synthesis. The lowest phase (here white-grey) shows the polymer/DCM Phase and the central phase (here blue) resembles the PVA/water solution. The grey triangle is an illustration of the ultrasonic rod. A shows the basic setup of the reaction, where the two phases are still completely separated and the ultrasonic rod is still inactive. B shows the second phase of the reaction where the rod is turned on and the two phases begin to mix. C illustrates the formation of an emulsion and therefor the formation of the dichlromethane spheres.

The ultrasonication not only forms an emulsion, but it also creates heat which causes the DCM to evaporate during the synthesis. The evaporation of the solvent then in turn leads to the precipitation and the formation of the particles. The reason for the precipitation is that the solubility of the polymer decreases as the volume of solvent decreases (Figure 2).[4]


Figure 2: Illustration of the precipitation of the polymer and the formation of nanoparticles. A shows the early DCM sphere as an emulsion and a big enough volume for the polymer to be completely in solution. B the volume of the sphere decreases over time until the concentration of the polymer reaches a critical value and it is forced to precipitate out of the solution. C this process continues until the particle reaches its final size.

Structure of the particles

The nanospheres are randomly oriented coils of polymer strings which are held together by intramolecular forces, like Van-der-Waals-forces and dipole-dipole-interactions. The polymer matrix greatly influences the properties of the particles. Additionally, the porous structure eases the diffusion of water inside the matrix and this in turn speeds up the hydrolyzation process of the chemical bonds [link to PLGA background]. Both hydrolyzation and porous structure are especially important for the application in drug delivery [link to applications page].

Encapsulation of molecules

The polymer matrix can enclose molecules like fluorescent dyes or therapeutics like drugs or even proteins. This is exemplary done by simply dissolving the dye molecules together with the polymer in the organic solvent. The synthesis is analogous to the regular nanosphere synthesis, but with a difference in the self-assembly process. Now, not only the polymer precipitates out of the solvent, but the molecules of the dye also stick to the polymer due to hydrophobic interactions between the polymer and the dye.


Figure 3: Illustration of the porous polymer matrix, which is loaded with dye molecules


During our project, both PLGA and PLGC nanospheres were successfully synthesized via emulsion polymerization, according to the protocol described in the method section. The PLGA spheres differ in their lactide/glycolide ratio. Additionally, the samples were treated with the ultra-sonic needle for 3, 4 or 5 min resulting in a size difference of corresponding spheres.

Light Microscopy and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)

All nanospheres were analyzed first with a light microscope and with the dynamic light scattering technique(DLS).Mixtures containing only water and PVA, or only DMC, water and PVA served as negative controls.

Our first DLS measurements resulted in graphs of insufficient quality. Each one of the three determinations per measurement showed different peaks.

Analysis via light microscopy showed various particles in different shapes and sizes. Many of them could be observed in both samples and negative controls. It was assumed that external particles contaminated the synthesis of our spheres and disturbed the DLS measurements.

Due to these observations, we changed our nanosphere syntheses. To remove any residual PVA cristals and other contamination such as dust particles, all solutions for the syntheses were filtrated. Additionally, all snap-on cap bottles were cleaned twice before using them for our experiments.

Our expectations were confirmed by new DLS measurements. Further results showed clear peaks and lower standard deviations. The following graphs show selected DLS measurements of both PLGA and PLGC spheres. Triple measurements were averaged and are presented in one graph only (see figure X). The light intensity is plotted on the y-axis against the spheres’ size.


It is clearly visible that all peaks, especially the ones of PLGA spheres, show a small width on the x-axis. For PLGA spheres, the maximal width in figure X is 100 nm, this range is for the other two graphs even smaller for the other two graphs. Additionally, it can be seen that our different sphere productions methods resultesd in spheres with similar sizes. Therefore, the way we produce our spheres is replicable.

For PLGC spheres, a smaller peak led to the assumption that a second species of larger particles was present in the solution. This might have been a contamination or the PLGC spheres might be polydisperse. Nevertheless, these peaks are relatively small compared to the larger peaks in the range between 200 and 400 nm.

Confocal Microscopy

Due to the very small size of our spheres, observation with a light microscope only was not sufficient. For a better analysis, confocal microscopy was applied (see Figure xx). For this purpose, fluorescent PLGA and PLGC spheres containing different concentrations of fluorescein (3, 5 or 7.5 % (w/w)) were manufactured (for further details see method section).


zwei bilder, eins verdünnter damit weniger sphären, besser erkennbar sowohl einzelne sphären als auch zusammengelagerte cluster

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

To get a better approximation of the spheres size, TEM (transmission electron microscopy) pictures of PLGA spheres were taken. Figure XY shows two different TEM pictures.



We already proved, that we were able to make nanospheres with our polymers and loaded them with a substance of our choice. And if we had more time, the next step would have been to perform tests of loading the spheres with various hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances or therapeutics and investigating the behavior of the loaded spheres in vivo to see how they interact with the blood vessels and tissue.


  1. M. Tobío, R. Gref, A. Sánchez, R. Langer and M.J. Alonso. Pharm. Res. 15:270-275 (1998).
  2. J.H.Park, B.K.Lee, S.H.Park, M.G.Kim, J.W.Lee, H.Y.Lee, H.B.Lee, J.H.Kim and M.S.Kim.Int J Mol Sci.18(3): 671 (2017). doi:10.3390/ijms18030671 .
  3. H.K.Makadia, S.J.Siegel. Polymers 3(3), 1377-1397 (2011).
  4. 4.0 4.1 Katja B. Ferenz, Long-circulating poly(ethylene glycol)-coated poly(lactid-coglycolid) microcapsules as potential carriers for intravenously administered drugs, Journal of Microencapsulation, 2013, 1–11, Early Online [Link oder so].