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Medal requirements

Bronze Medal

1.Register for iGEM, have a great summer, and attend the Giant Jamboree We’ve registered for Worldshaper-XSHS as an iGEM TEAM 2018,and had a great summer. What’s more ,we are gonging to enjoy the Giant Jamboree.

2.Deliverables We sure that we have met all deliverables on the requirement pages.

3.Attributions We’ve established everyone’s attribution on our Wiki:

4. Participate in the Interlab Measurement Study

Silver Medal

1. at least one new BioBrick Part Part Number(s): BBa_K2827005, BBa_K2827006


Gold Medal

2.Model your project We demonstrated function proofs of concept of our project:

3.demonstrate your work We did a lot of studies and tested our E.Coil in lab, this proved that our E.coil is working under real world conditions. In addition, we have made a real model of our product design.

  • Worldshaper-XSHS, Xiaoshan High School

    Adress: No.538,Gongxiu Road,Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,China

" alt="" class="bg-stretch" style="width:100%">

   <section class="pageInHere">
  • <a href="#Ourteam">Collaboration with ASTWS-China team and HFLS_ZhejiangUnited team.</a>

  • <a href="#OurSchool">Collaboration with ZJU-China team.</a>

  • <a href="#Others">Collaborations with social organizations.</a>
  • <a href="#top"> <img src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--back.png"> TO Top </a>

Collaborations with other teams

Collaboration with ASTWS-China team and HFLS_ZhejiangUnited team.

During the interlab experiment, we cooperated with ASTWS-China team and HFLS_ZhejiangUnited team, we provided the ASTWS-China team with E. coli DH5a and 100μl silicon beads that had better quality as well as gave HFLS_ZhejiangUnited team the transcriptional shaking table bacteria solution and some experimental equipment (chloramphenicol resistance, gun head, etc.). At the same time, we also borrowed the glycerin bacteria we needed from the ASTWS-China team.

<img class="img-responsive" alt="" src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--c001.png" />

During the experiment, we lent ASTWS-China team kit1 and kit2, which enables its students to extract the useful DNA.

During the Collaborations, our research members visited HFLS_ZhejiangUnited team’s experiments and watched its members’ studying notes.

<img class="img-responsive" alt="" src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--c002.png" />

Because our conversion process——A procedure that obtaining the desired plasmid from the distribution kits—— always failed,we communicated with ASTWS-China team, eliminating the possibilities derived from operate miss and finding the cause of the problem: Homemade E. coli receptive state.

<img class="img-responsive" alt="" src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--c003.png" />

Collaborations with other teams

Collaboration with ZJU-China team.

The aspect about experimental problem: Because of the invalid homemade E. coli receptive state, we did experiments in the ZJU-China team’s laboratories by utilizing its commercial E. coli receptive state. This attempt provided enough opportunities for us to discuss the difference between the experiments, which exerted great advantage to solve such problems in the nest phase.

<img class="img-responsive" alt="" src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--c004.png" />

Before carrying out publicity activities, our team made comprehensive discussions with the ZJU-China team like establishing programs of activities, preparing materials, and decorating the venues.

<img class="img-responsive" alt="" src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--c005.png" />

Collaborations with social organizations

Collaboration with Zhejiang Province Science Museum

We cooperated with Science museum and did some simple experiments in the venue stadium, which is not only appeals visitors, but also facilitates to promote the IGEM project and knowledge about synthetic biology.

Collaborations with Zhejiang Science and Technology Market

During the science and technology week held by Zhejing Science administrators, we collaborated with organizers. In that exhibition, we conducted a questionnaire survey as well as advertised the JGEM project, thus, enriching the program’s content.

<img class="img-responsive" alt="" src="T--worldshaper-XSHS--c006.png" />

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  • Worldshaper-XSHS, Xiaoshan High School

    Adress: No.538,Gongxiu Road,Xiaoshan District,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,China

  • <img src="T-Worldshaper-XSHS-weixin.jpeg" alt="">