Team:SUSTech Shenzhen/HP/Module 5


At the final stage of the project, we have decided that what we would like to propose the responsibilities that each aspect of the society should take. Hopefully, our project can serve as an alarm to the society and have actual impacts on shortening the cognitive distances in China (and other places as well)

Who should we listen to? The public

Although a large amount of people are unwilling to know about the facts behind things in their daily life, the data we collected shows that more people are just “blinded”. The public should use the variant sources (and not just the commercials on TV that only want to get profits) to GET STARTED.

How should we present? The scientists

So far, we do have some scientists in China caring about the public issues. Still, most of them remain focused solely on their own projects. Such predilection may well serve to provide them with good research papers and opportunities for better jobs, yet it does reduced their attention on one side of the center issue of science—to promote science itself by informing others efficiently. Reflecting back on the days when prominent science workers had to fight against religions to develop science, how is it possible that fewer researchers are engaged in the propagation of biology when there are minor blockings?

What should we do besides making profits? The enterprises

It’s good for enterprises to invest in foundational researches. However, more focus on the propagation of biology the public can gather more science people devote into this field. With this effort, the enterprises may also get more attention from the public and actually achieve more profits.

What policies should we make? The government

Policy makers in China are facing big challenges. It’s hard to have a systematic set of rules for the media or the enterprises. However, the government should control the products sold by TV salesmen and women as well as the misleading news spread by media.

What and how should we propagate? The media

The media is the centerpiece of the issue. Since most people only get scientific information from the headlines on internets and news on TV. It’s necessary for the media to seriously work on the details of the problems and not just the coverings for sensation.

If these aspects of efforts actually work together, the future of the conversations we have with our parents may well change into:

“Hey, have a look at my pillow! I do feel a little bit better during sleep and I ‘d like to buy more as gifts for my friends~”

“Come on, dad, it’ can’t be that useful!”

“How do you know all that?”

“I can show you the principles behind if you want”

“Emmm, I am afraid I cannot understand too much details, but I guess it won’t harm to hear from you.”

“Great. The thing is that…”

“Sounds reasonable! I think I had better check it out or ask you for details next time.”

(How nice it would be if we can change the situations for even a little bit!)